Recreation Plaza Design

We completed a design for Xifeng Town, Tieling City in Lioaning Province. The three buildings include a Theater, Natatorium and International Tennis Hall. See our portfolio for more information.

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In Hong Kong

Michael is in Hong Kong again doing double duty at HKPU (Asias’ #1 Design School on the list of the Worlds Best Design Schools) teaching two workshops in Interactive Environments and Tangible interaction.

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Acadia Conference 2012

Michael Fox presents paper on Gestures with kinect and arduino with Sho Ikuta and Ally Polancic at Acadia Conference San Francisco: Synthetic Digital Ecologies 2012. Using a hacked Kinect to control architectural space with gestures. Project done with Michael Fox, Rodrigo …

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Back from Israel

Michael just returned from Israel where we are working on an amazing project (Eco-29) for a mesmerizing kinetic building for weddings and events.  We are working with old friend Eran Shemesh (from the Seinfield Project) and his office of Brahma …

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Plaza Art

This project serves to encourage the directional flow of pedestrians at Vanke City. The proposal contain a composition that work together to entice visitors from the main street into the depths of the mall. The individual sculptural pieces “snap” together …

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Ar-CHI-tecture Workshop

Michael Fox has just returned from the CHI Conference in Austin Texas – ACM SIGCHI 2012 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems is the premier international conference on human-computer interaction.  He presented a project on Spatial Gestures for Architecture at a great …

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