The view from Hong Kong

Michael is at HKPU to teach an advanced Arduino workshop. He arrived from Shanghai today and is headed to Beijing, Shenyang, Tianjin (giving a lecture there), Beijijng after the HKPU (Hong Kong Polytechnic University) workshop.

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Nanocity @ Pacific Design Center

The concept behind Nano-City” is that technological advance and ecological responsibility are not necessarily a contradiction in terms. We believe that technological development from within the fields of design and architecture can be focused to transcend ecological equilibrium. NanoCity is …

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Jetgala Article on BBJ Interior Design

We won 2nd place for this project sponsored by Boeing Business Jet and Domus Magazine a while back. Jetgala is reviving it in this month’s issue (March/April 2012).  The project was carried out in collaboration with Axel Kilian and Jeff …

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