A Look at SU11: Architecture and Nature


We have been meaning to post about SU11 architecture for quite sometime. They are an excellent firm based in Brooklyn NY run by Ferda Kolatan and Erich Schoenenberger. We’ve included short synopsis of their various projects with plenty of images as well.

E-Vine was a concept project undertaken as part of the Nissan Journey to Zero challenge wherein architects and designers were asked to contemplate opportunities for retrofiting our current urban environemtns to bring us closer to a zero emisions society. Very interesting project and the initial reason why SU11 was brought to our attention.

The Chromazon installation is a leaf-like canopy proposed for a Moma Exhibit in 2008.

Dune house is desert housing inspired by local organisms, reptilian creatures as well as water saving cacti.

Scaled Skins is a research project investigating roof canopy systems inspired by organisms in nature.

1 Comment

  1. max babi /Reply

    Extremely interesting – I am a metallurgist and plasma technologist who lectures on biomimetics and physicomimetics. Will keep a tab on your blog, this is truly futuristic, the designs are absolutely amazing, and functional.


    Max Babi

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