Beach babe
DSC_1798-CapoBeach-x, originally uploaded by juintow. This is one of my favorite shots of Juneau
Four Generations
DSC_1736-Doheny, originally uploaded by juintow. Wi-puo came to visit us and four generations of Lins posed for this picture
Finally… some teeth
Juneau finally got a tooth – he was pretty grumpy in the night, and then by morning, Dad happened to notice his new pearly white.
K’nex Ball Factory
[flickr video=4667477368 show_info=true secret=3633dbf76a w=400 h=300] MVI_8351, originally uploaded by juintow. Juneau loves the Ball factory that Shintau built.
Nine Months
DSC_1499-MDay2009 Originally uploaded by juintow Juneau had his ninth month appt today. He is 17 lb 8 oz (10th %) and 28.25″ (50%) long, and his head measures 17.5″ (25th%).
[flickr video=3517293655 show_info=true secret=36415af8bf w=400 h=225] climbing_stair, originally uploaded by juintow. racing Mogwai up the stairs