
i recently planned a surprise baby shower for a dear friend, J, who is expecting her second child, and didn’t seem into having a baby shower. As part of the celebration of her and her baby, and in lieu of games and presents, i thought that a small bead ceremony would be quite meaningful. i […]

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Crazy Ori

  Ori is in stores and on the web for Crazy 8

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my stats too

And I went to the Dr. too (ear infection etc.) and measured 38″ (25th-50th) and 33 lb (25th-50th) and 50th to 75th weight to heigh (not skinny anymore)

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My new stats

  Oh, and I went to the dr. (sick with croup, wheezing, and an ear infection) and measured 31″ high (5-10%) and 23.5 lb (10-25%).

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The Urban Intervention team (part) head out for a much deserved day of sun, sail, and fish and chips. …. We were lucky enough to see 100s of dolphins.

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This is a little troubling….. Juneau: I love the ipad. It’s my best Friend. Mom: What about the kindle? Juneau: I love them both. They are both my best friends.

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18 mo.

Ori had her 18 mo. visit and she was 30″ long (10%), 23# (25%), and 47.5″ head (75%). She is doing well, and her new Dr. said she is very smart because she can string together two phrases, like I …

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