First Stiches


Originally uploaded by juintow

Juneau had his second trip to the ER last week. The first time was for jaundice. This was much scarier. He was riding on his tricycle around the house. It was right before bedtime and he was quite scared. Next thing I know he is crying, and on the floor. There was quite a lot of blood and he cut the inside of his mouth. I didn’t think it was such a big deal at the time, but after I got a look inside, we jetted straight to the emergency room. The cut was so deep, like 3/8”. We went to Mission, and waited in their nice pediatric waiting room for about an hour and were seen by a couple nurses and a physician’s ass’t. He said Juneau needed stitches, then papoosed him, had another guy hold his head, and gave him a massive shot in his lip to numb the pain. Then he put two stitches in. Juneau did pretty well, considering, but he was screaming the whole time, and obviously extremely scared. I barely made it through that part of the ordeal. It was nice that they had a lady there just to calm children down, but it turned out to be pretty useless, since he was so mad. The next day was hard. He wouldn’t eat or drink anything, until I guess he got hungry on the way to Sea World. The Graduate Puffs were a miracle worker. I also got him to drink an enire smoothie, and have french fries for dinner. It was all he would eat. Now, it’s been a week, and it’s like nothing happened. The scrape on the outside of his chin is more or less healed. The stiches, which I thought would have dissolved by now, are still there, but the wound looks like it’s healing well. Now we don’t let Juneau tricycle into the bathroom if it can be helped.


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