i-Zoo (Sci-Arc)

The iZoo is an interactive architectural space that will captivate all who enter it. It is a space that fosters human connections, that floods the senses, that is educational and manipulative. It is a space that provides us with an architectural awareness through interaction.

This hyper-technologically enhanced environment is like nothing you have ever experienced (or interacted with) before. The design project is the collaborative effort of 22 SCI_ARC students for a course in “Interactive Environments” The goal is to make spaces that behave, respond, interact, and adapt like human beings. The central issues explored are human and environmental interaction, embedded computational infrastructures and kinetic engineering. This course is combination of full-scale-hard-core-construction, CAD/CAM manufacture, robotics, and the translation of robotics to full-scale real works to create a space with behaviors that you can interact with.


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