Jellyfish House by Iwamoto-Scott

Iwamoto-Scott, a SF based architecture firm has designed the Jellyfish house. They argue that similar to the sea-creature, their building coexists with its environment as a set of distributed, networked senses and responses. Similar to the organism, the house attempts at being a responsive structure, adapting to the different conditions around it and adjusting accordingly with help of a “deep skin”. More images and explanation below…

We found this interesting excerpt from their own site about the skin:

“The skin of Jellyfish House combines structure and envelope with these physical infrastructures. What unites them conceptually is that they create an ambient experience in the home that reveals the work of the skin in largely a peripheral manner. In this regard, the project expands upon aspects of ‘calm’, or ambient, technology that suggests the digital realm will ultimately recede to the background of our spaces and lived experience. The project revisits the digital and the material by cultivating this latent technological relationship while still offering a productive, non-naturalized awareness of the forces at work around us.”

model pic below:


also found on eVolo


    1. Ehsaan /Reply

      well you came to the right place! go read some of the articles on our “what is biomimicry” tab. great stuff. glad you like the site!

  1. narasimham /Reply

    great steps towards biomimicry! At first saw a book by Cyril Isenberg, (Science of soap films) that illustrate some examples mimimizing structural principles of marine life.

    Costs may be prohibitive if function and technology are not coupled to form.

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