Kokkugia: Roland Snooks and Rob Stuart-Smith

Kokkugia is a progressive architecture and urban design practice exploring generative and emergent design methods modeled primarily after self-organizing behavior found in biology (resulting in what they call “non-linear” architecture). Its run by Roland Snooks (currently teaching at Columbia GSAPP) and Robert Stuart-Smith and is based out of London and New York. Amazing work awaits you, some of which you might have seen due to Kokkugia’s close ties to Tom Wiscombe’s Emergent Architecture which we posted about recently.

According to thier website:

“Kokkugia’s work has been published extensively and exhibited internationally, including in New York, Beijing, Xi’an, Melbourne, Moscow, Kiev, Torino, Philadelphia and San Francisco. Kokkugia were named the Australian Curators for the 2008 and 2010 Beijing Biennials. The directors of Kokkugia have taught at numerous architecture schools including: AA DRL, Columbia GSAPP, uPenn, SCI-Arc, UCLA, Pratt, USC and RMIT. Kokkugia are currently working on projects in Australia, Mexico and the US.”

Sadly all of Kokkugia’s work is exhibited in flash therefore we cant share the images here, however we strongly recommend visiting their website, especially the research area and seeing what their up to, very exciting work.



  1. Pingback: Tom Wiscombe and Emergent Architecture « Biomimetic-Architecture.com

  2. Pingback: Non Linear Systems « Biomimetic-Architecture.com

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