Matsys Design: Voronoi Morphologies

Prototype testing algorithm

Voronoi Morphologies is the latest development in an ongoing area of research into cellular aggregate structures by Matsys Design. The voronoi algorithm is used in a wide range of fields including satellite navigation, animal habitat mapping, and urban planning as it can easily adapt to local contingent conditions. We have mentioned these areas of research extensively in a post about the work of Revano Satria. Great project pushing these ideas to new frontiers.

Prototype detail

In their own words:

“Within our research, it [Voronoi Morphologies] are used as a tool to facilitate the translation and materialization of data from particle-simulations and other point-based data into volumetric form. Through this process, it becomes much easier to produce highly differentiated structures that are responsive to local performance criteria”

Those criteria they talk about can later inform the algorithms and parameters that start out as a vornoi arrangement and later evolve into something more intelligent in distribution according to defined variables. 2.5D surface voronoi drawings

“The project was developed through both 2D and 3D voronoi cellular structures. In both cases, a field of points is used to determine regions of space, or cells, that are closer to a certain point than any other point. As the cells are not constrained by a fixed geometric topology, the cells properties can be tuned in much more specific ways than a tradition rectangular or hexagonal cell arrangement. A custom-designed script was written to connect Rhino with Qhull which did the actual voronoi calculations. The script also digitally unfolds, labels, and prepares the geometry for CNC fabrication.”

Below is an awesome diagram of the general process they followed to arrive at the forms they are talking about:

3D voronoi drawings

Matsys shared on their site that this technique was developed in collaboration with Jelle Feringa of EZCT Architecture and Design Research in Paris and invite everyone to check out the qhull website, a geometric applicaion often used in Matlab.

Here are some shots of their final fabricated model.

2.5D surface voronoi FDM model

3D paper prototypePlaster prototypePlaster prototype

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