2016 Architecture InPlay: International Conference on Changeable Architectures

Exciting update!  Michael Fox will be one of the featured speakers at the 2016 Architecture InPlay conference in Lisbon, Portugal.

In a world where the boundaries between architecture, digital design, technology and computation become everyday fader provokes the rise of new solutions for architectural spaces. Responsive buildings that adjust themselves to create better lighting, thermic or acoustic conditions. Kinetic buildings that reshape themselves in order to respond to a particular need. Or optimized buildings created by informed design and production processes. The focus of Architecture In-Play is exactly to think about this interdisciplinary approach of Architecture, about its tools, methods and theories and to help to bring together people from all the fields that can merge and create new and better architectural solutions.

Architecture InPlay
11th-23rd July 2016, ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal

ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL) and La Sapienza Universitá de Roma would like to invite
you to attend their joined International Conference and Summer School about the interdisciplinary approach for
changeable architectures.
It will be held at ISCTE-IUL, Lisbon, Portugal from 11th to 23rd July 2016.

For the Conferences we will have the presence of notable speakers:

Michael Fox
Foxlin Architecture, USA

Ruairi Glynn
Interactive Architecture Lab, Bartlett School, UK

Arturo Tedeschi
Computational Designer, Italy

Paul Jackson
Origami Artist, Israel

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