Parks Onward Day, May 28th, 2015

Congresswoman Judy Chu joined us for PARKS ONWARD DAY at ENV Thursday, May 28.  This was very exciting because Congresswoman Chu was the prime mover in Congress fighting for the newly-established San Gabriel Mountains National Monument.
The main theme of Parks Onward Day is how to expand and diversify the constituency for parks.  After the opening session from 9:00 – 9:30 am, the agenda will continue with:
9:30 – 10:30 am:   A panel on environmental education and nature interpretation.
10:45 – 11:45 am:  A panel on Innovative communication technology.
11:45 – 12:30:  Presentation by Associate Professor Juintow Lin on “Revamp the Camp,” the cabin design project which produced the Wedge cabin which will be available in camping in California state parks.
1:30 – 2:20 pm:  “Artscape:  Transforming Green & Brown Spaces,” a panel on creative placemaking in parks.
2:35 – 3:30 pm:   Panel on overcoming transportation barriers to parks.
3:30 – 4:30 pm:  Closing discussion about “ensuring access, relevancy and equity.”
We have a great list of speakers including:
  • Honorable John Laird, Secretary of the California Natural Resources Agency
  • Cal Poly Pomona President Soraya Coley
  • Jose Gonzalez, Founder and Director of Latino Outdoors
  • Jon Christensen, Partner, Stamen Design (developer of the web-based app)
  • Parks and Recreation Commissioner (and founder of Outdoor Afro) Rue Mapp
  • Professor Fabian Wagmister, Director, Interpretive Media Laboratory @ LA State Historic Park
  • Steve Szalay, Team Leader, California Department of Parks and Recreation Transformation Team
  • Robert Garcia, Founder/Director of The City Project
  • Elizabeth Goldstein, President, California State Parks Foundation
  • Sean Woods, Superintendent, Los Angeles Sector, California Department of Parks and Recreation
  • Elva Yanez, California State Parks and Recreation Commissioner
  • Jackson Lam, Project Coodinator, BikeSGV
  • Amy Lethbridge, Deputy Executive Director, Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority.

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