Swaying Pine-Like Shade Structure by ARTEKS

ARTEKS architecture from Andorra have recently designed an outdoor shading system inspired by the local trees observed on site. Inhabitat did an excellent post about their project here with plenty of detail. ARTEKS took a very sculputral approach to the project but what is fascinating is how they were inspired by the trees that already deal with the local environment. Here are some close ups and more images of the completed project…

They chose to use lightweight fiberglass so the structure could sway in the coastal winds, similar to the pines nearby. They were also very sensitive to understanding the angles and branch patterns that existed in the pines and tried to mimic them to achieve an aesthetically and functionally complementary system. The harmony is evident in the image below.

Below are some more technical drawings and diagrams from Arch Daily showing how they went from concept to construction.

You can also find full construction details here!

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