The Magic Garden – Mamou-Mani ltd.


The Magic Garden is an installation by Mamou-Mani and is part of the Regent Street Window Project 2013 organized by the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA). It has been designed to animate and seamlessly link all the windows of the store with one beautiful fluid form. By using both digital and physical techniques, the architect has shaped light-diffusing polyamide mesh fabric to maximise its structural qualities and interact with the mannequins . The result reflects the precision of both tailoring and architecture as well as the colour and lightness of the Karen Millen SS13 collection. The design utilizes Rhino 3D in conjunction with its parametric plug-in Grasshopper and Kangaroo which is live physics engine for interactive simulation, optimization and form-finding created by Daniel Piker.

Night time image of Store Front

Night time image of Store Front

Assembly image in Mamou-Mani studio

Assembly image in Mamou-Mani studio


Karen Millen Street Store Display

Karen Millen Street Store Display



Karen Millen Regent Store Window


[vimeo 63525459 w=400 h=300]

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